Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm back!!!

Well, we've been back from Disney World for 2 1/2 weeks and I haven't even been into my craft room the whole time. We had an awesome vacation and I needed about a week to recover from it. Since we got back we've had company and I've been spending tons of time helping Connor catch up on his Kindergarten work that he missed. I don't know what happened in the past ten years since I taught here in Georgia but the things that Kindergarteners need to know now are crazy. Connor's behind because he didn't know his alphabet and numbers when he started the year. By the end of the year they need to be able to read over 250 words and right now he can read three (one being his name)! He now knows his alphabet and numbers to 50 and his printing has improved so much. I spend at least 2 hours with him on homework every day which I think is nuts. I wonder about all those kids whose parents don't help them out. They'll be so far behind by the end of the year if they don't pick things up quickly in class.

So, I've made a card for my niece's birthday and I'll post it tomorrow. Until then, have a great day!